
Pongo pygmaeus

The Malay word “Orangutan” means “man of the forest”, and while they were once widespread across southeast Asia and China, these characteristic great apes are now only found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.

Weighing up to 200 pounds, they are the heaviest tree dwelling animal on earth – which is impressive considering how easily they swing through the forest! Their long arms and hand-like feet allow them to easily grip onto branches.

Unfortunately, orangutans are under severe threat. Since 1999, there has been around 50% decrease in populations, and it is estimated there are now around 104,700 Bornean orangutans left in the wild. This is primarily due to habita loss, as pristine forests in Malaysia and Indonesia are cut down to make room for palm oil plantations.

Northeast Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Morio camera trap image 


Our camera trap captured this Northeast Bornean Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus Morio) in our project area

Surveys Ancrenaz et al (2005), Ancrenaz et al. (2010) and Alfred et al. (2010) estimate approx. 1,200 individuals in Tabin and approx. 480 individuals in Kulamba. The Orangutan Action Plan for Sabah (2012) lists both populations as “high priority populations”.


We need your help to protect Orangutans!

Please help us with a donation to protect more habitat in Sabah, Borneo! All donations go towards conservation action.
At least 80% of donations are used for buying land and for reforestation.